Well, I kinda feel I should go to one of those meetings, you know the type, where you have to stand up in front of everyone and say things like, "Hi my name is Carole and I have an addiction."
I've gone and bought another old relic, I totally fell in love with it and knew it would be perfect to store something in, not sure what, but I just knew I'd have something in my sewing room that could do with a lovely new, oops, I mean old, home!
Here is my new prized possession, well what do you think?

It's a chocolate box. Yep, and it was once covered in lovely plush fabric. It's in a bit of a state of disrepair, there are a few little bits missing, and of course the fabric is well worn everywhere. I am really amazed it has made it to 2009! LOL

It even has a wee handle on the lid. Boy they sure made intricate choccy boxes back in those days. I wonder how much it would actually cost today to buy chocolates in a box made like this? And I wonder just how old it really is? Anyone have any ideas?

There's a wee Rowntree chocolate label on the bottom of the box.

The lady I bought it off, packed it really well.

And Rowntree's made chocolates by appointment of His Majesty the King.
Hang on ....... there was something under all that packing!

CHOCOLATES!!! Of course not Rowntree's, but Cadbury Roses Chocolates, mmmmm, just as nice! Wasn't that 'sweet' of her, if you'll excuse the pun!
Mmmm....that gives me an idea....

Yep, roses. I mod podged more of my tissue paper to the cardboard inside the box. And now I think it will make a lovely place to store my rather large collection of vintage postcards, all 6 of them LOL!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Carole :))