During last week I drove up to New Plymouth to visit with my daughter. She has just moved there to live. We had lots of fun checking out the range of stores in New Plymouth -
(and cafes!) First of all we found a gift shop that was closing down and offered huge reductions on everything left in the store. I bought this lovely floral quilted cushion cover.
(I think I could have spent a couple of hundred dollars easily, but you understand I had to pace myself! LOL)
Then further down the road there was a florist who was closing down too, and again everything was reduced heavily. We picked up this painted chair for my daughter.
(There's something to be said for recessions!) The padded centre piece can be removed if she wants to change the fabric, but she says she loves it as it is. She has good taste - inherited I think!! LOL

I found a few old post cards to use in my art.

In the little suburb of Fitzroy we came across a small shop called Faded Fancy. It was very small, barely room for the two of us to both enter at once,
(and we both had to be in there at the same time!) and it stocked a whole range of lovely vintage linens, buttons, toys, kitchen items, in fact all sorts of old things. We rummaged thru every inch of every shelf! And after making lots of discoveries/purchases, leaving no stone unturned, as they say, I'm sure the store owner would have had to reorganize and tidy everything after we left!
Unfortunately I was so busy, trying to pace myself, and disbelieving my eyes I forgot to take any pics!! Next time I visit there will be photos. I promise!
Our purchases were wrapped in old burda pattern sheets. I didn't really want to unwrap mine!

Here are some of the goodies-
2 small beautifully worked hankies,

some lovely old and very soft cotton floral pillow cases,

and a little linen bag, not sure what this was used for,

Then down the road we hunted in a used clothing store and I found these two items.

This is worked in the palest of blue cotton.

(They have all now been washed and ironed using lavender water, so have the faint scent of lavender.)And of course what day wouldn't be absolutely perfect without a couple of stunning floral fat quarters!!

I was so excited with my finds, like a child with a bag of sweets!
Well off to smell the lovely lavendery laundry!! LOL
Carole ;D