Well how exciting is this find?!
On a wee excursion to Shannon with a friend, we went into the 2nd hand book store, I've never been in there before, and what did I find in the bowels of the place?
These wee books on poetry, with the most fabulous covers! I think one may dedicate itself to art, it has a loose spine, but the others will be added to my collection of old books.

OMG! Then I spotted this spine!

And it revealed itself in embossed pink!

Is this too much or what?
The book was published in 1905, and given to Aunt Emily in 1908 from Gretchen.

Inside it has the beautiful drawings/etchings. With poetry and short plays.

This would be lovely in a piece of art work, but I love it so much as it is, it will get pride of place among my collection!
And because you all enjoyed the ginger crunch so much here is my recipe for Malt biscuits. I can remember taking a spoon of malt when I was a child, it was disgusting. But these crispy plain biscuits are easy to make and include malt, great for kids and adults!
Malt BiscuitsCream together in a bowl 4oz butter and 3oz sugar, then warm 1 Tblsp malt and 1 Tblsp of golden syrup, (so they are runny) and addto the sugar and butter. Mix, then add 6oz flour.
Mix these together roll into balls place on a lightly greased tray and then flatten with a fork.
Cook in a moderate oven, approx 180 C.
Note: I usually make a double mix of these, very moorish! lol Also some of you are wondering what golden syrup is. It is a thick golden coloured syrup, made from sugar cane, very sweet, looks like maple syrup, slightly different taste.
Well enjoy and let me know how you get on with the biscuits!
Carole :)
*UPDATE: Kate from USA emailed me to say:
"We don't use Golden Syrup in the States but many of our supermarkets now carry it in the foreign foods section of their stores. Also, if you google it, there are online places that sell it."
So it is available in places! Hope this helps!