This post doesn't actually have anything to do with kittens, except for the fact Buddy is sitting on my lap while I write this. He has developed the habit of jumping onto your lap whenever you sit down, which would be ok, except that if you give him lots of rubs and scruffles he starts dribbling! So you end you covered! He doesn't seem too particular about whose knee either!
Well it has been a few days since I posted last, unfortunately life gets in the darn way sometimes, so I've had little time to post, cook evening meals or clean. Which means that now it's the weekend, things have returned somewhat to normal - whatever that is!? I have done some cleaning, cooked a lovely meal last night, and yesterday made a start on replanting my strawberry garden. I have been dreading it, my 2 rows of strawberry plants from last year have turned into millions of the darn things! Yesterday I spent from 12noon till 5pm working on the garden and I would be lucky if I made half way!

I am trying to plant out all the good looking runners as my mum reckons that although you get 2 years of good growing from the mother plant, you should get a better crop of fruit from the young plants. However, although I'm replanting the young plants back into the garden, I am also keeping some of the mother plants. I have been planting them into black planter bags. If they fruit, fine, if they don't out they go, and then I also have spares if any die.

I am very lucky! My trellis has been attached to the posts now, so will act as both a windbreak, and a climbing support. I have been busy reading rose books, and books on climbers, as I want to plant 3 or 4 climbing roses and also a couple of black grapes. I also bought some wire mesh which Dennis has made into an arch way for me. I want to plant the climbing rose
Cecile Brunner or Sweetheart Rose on it. It has the most perfect pale pink buds and is a mass of flower for a long time.
However I have a small gap between the arch and the water tank on the left, and I have no idea what I could plant there. I had thought I might build?? or buy a couple of bird houses and put on top of a couple of the posts, but the other night Wednesday - before my very eyes, climbed right to the top and sat there! I would love to put a bird bath in the garden too, but this might be deadly for the birds!
I've had a couple of the winners from the ATC give-away draw not send me any address details, and I am unable to contact them, so I have made 2 more draws, and there will be a card go out to ScaryCheri and Kate. Kate I think I have your address somewhere, but ScaryCheri I will need yours.
I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend. I am going to resume the strawberry clean-up today. We have a brilliant clear day, blue sky and sun. Very unusual for the end of May! I want to make the most of it!
Take care,